Obama pushes for corporate tax increases


President Barack Obama said at a news conference today that he will again push for corporate tax increases that Congress failed to enact in the past, Bloomberg reported.

His reasoning: “I continue to believe I’m right.”

Beyond that, “if we are going to get serious about deficit reduction and debt reduction, then we’ve got to look at all the sources of deficit and debt,” Obama said.

He said his budget seeks to end corporate tax breaks that aren’t contributing to economic growth, and that he wouldn’t sign a bill that lowers corporate tax rates but preserves loopholes.

In his budget plan released on Monday, Obama revived a previously rejected plan for $129 billion in higher taxes on the overseas profits of U.S. companies, and proposed a change to taxes of oil, gas and coal companies, which would raise about $46 billion.

He also proposed pre-2001 tax rates on income and capital gains for individuals earning more than $200,000 annually and married couples making more than $250,000. The estate tax would return to 2009 levels with a $3.5 million per person exemption and a 45 percent top rate.

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