Opinion: Feminism as a marketing trend
This time of year is ripe for trend reports, and because it’s important to our work with clients, I’ve been digging through many of them to identify recurring themes. There’s one theme that has really caught my eye and seems to be something that should be on every businessperson’s radar screen. I believe we’re at the beginning of a groundswell that is going to only get louder and more powerful.
The trend I’m referring to, believe it or not, is feminism.
Today’s feminism, in comparison to decades before, seems to have a different slant.
First, it’s global, rather than just U.S.-based. Second, it appears to be much broader in scope and influence. There’s not as much focus on one specific problem like securing the right to vote. Instead, it’s about the whole of a person and the core concept of equality. Third, women and men are not combatants in this go-round. In fact, men are increasingly being invited to the party as true members of the cause. Emma Watson’s speech at the United Nations put the international spotlight on the solidarity movement for gender equality. It’s worth noting that the program Watson introduced, HeForShe, is being sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The fight feels less antagonistic and more about the simple logic that equality makes sense and seems reasonable to expect in this day and age. Obviously, I’m simplifying the issues greatly, and I know that women around the globe still face some horrific situations, but overall, the spirit of the fight feels more collaborative and open to all supporters.
Whether you are aligned with this new edition of feminism or not, it’s quickly weaving itself into our world in some interesting ways that as marketers, we need to watch.
Continue reading the full article at BusinessRecord.com.