Pollard to keynote Healthiest State awards event


Jamie Pollard, director of athletics at Iowa State University, will deliver the keynote address at the inaugural Iowa Healthiest State Initiative awards event on Feb. 15. Pollard, whose son battled cancer four times and who endured his own health crisis is 2015, will share an inspirational message on why health matters. “Your health is very personal and precious,” said Jami Haberl, Healthiest State Initiative executive director. “While you can’t control everything, you can make small changes in your life that can improve your overall health and well-being. We are excited for Iowans to hear what this means to Jamie Pollard and his family.” Tickets for the event, which will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Ron Pearson Center in West Des Moines, are $25 for an individual or $190 for a table of eight. To purchase tickets and learn more about the event, visit IowaHealthiestState.com

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