Power Breakfast: Cultivation Corridor



Cultivating the Future Greater Des Moines

What is the region now? What should it be? How will it change? 

• What will be the impact on your business of the Cultivation Corridor effort?
• Is Ames a part of Greater Des Moines? What about Newton, Marshalltown or other cities?
• What does it mean to be part of the region?
• What could be learned from the Cedar Rapids-Iowa City Creative Corridor?
• Should Des Moines businesses be expanding our sense of ‘community” to include key businesses and players from outside the metro?
• How much do alliances and geographic definitions define the community as opposed to relationships and personal connectedness?

Deluxe continental breakfast and networking kicks off at 7:00 a.m. Audience welcome and sponsor introductions begin at 7:30 immediately followed by the panel presentation. With time allotted for Q & A, event concludes around 9:00 a.m.



Jay Byers – CEO, Greater Des Moines Partnership
Steven Leath – President, Iowa State University
Steve Zumbach – Shareholder, Belin McCormick P.C.
Dee Baird – President & CEO, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance


Janette Larkin – Publisher, Business Publications Corporation Inc.


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