Quad Cities’ River Bend Food Bank announces $9.4 million expansion
BPC Staff Feb 16, 2022 | 4:34 pm
<1 min read time
104 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Iowa Stops Hunger, Statewide NewsQuad-City Times: The River Bend Food Bank in the Quad Cities aims to raise $9.4 million this year for an expansion that will add volunteer space and more warehouse storage, the food bank and its partners announced Tuesday. The food bank estimates the extra space will help distribute 50% more meals. In 2014, the food bank delivered 7.3 million meals to local food pantries, soup kitchens and other food partners. In fiscal 2021, the food bank distributed 22.4 million meals.
Iowa Stops Hunger is a yearlong Business Publications Corp. initiative to bring awareness and action to food insecurity in Iowa. Read additional stories on Iowastopshunger.com.