Registration opens for Central Iowa women’s leadership conference
BPC Staff Jun 10, 2015 | 4:33 pm
<1 min read time
108 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Lift IOWAEarly-bird registration is now open for Iowa Women Lead Change’s annual Central Iowa conference. The fifth annual conference, called “Transforming Journeys,” will be held Oct. 28 at Iowa Events Center in Des Moines. The event is designed for women to learn valuable leadership skills and gain motivational support from established female leaders. Men are also welcome to attend. Speakers at this year’s conference include Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post; Marietta Davis, vice president of U.S. dynamics at Microsoft Corp.; Anna Maria Chávez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA; and Sara Laschever, an author, teacher and researcher. for individual or group registration.