Reynolds creates task force to look at carbon sequestration policy recommendations


Gov. Kim Reynolds has signed an executive order creating a task force to explore carbon sequestration and opportunities it presents for economic development in Iowa. According to a news release, Reynolds will chair the task force with Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig serving as vice chair. The task force’s creation, announced Tuesday, was included in recommendations issued earlier this year by the Governor’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, which was established to look at strategies to help the state recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Reynolds said the task force will work to create policy recommendations on carbon sequestration ahead of the 2022 legislative session. “Because of our existing supply chain and emphasis on renewable fuel infrastructure, Iowa is in a strong position to capitalize on the growing nationwide demand for a more carbon free economy,” Reynolds said. “Iowa is a recognized leader in renewable fuel and food production, and this is another opportunity to lead and be innovative, invest in Iowa agriculture, and facilitate new sources of revenue for our agriculture and energy sectors.”