Ronald McDonald House, Forbes’ Best Employers, Iowa City Area Development Group, REG


Olivia Gude, who teaches art education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, plans to speak in Des Moines June 21 about the power of public art.

Gude’s presentation, “The Power of Public Art to Transform Communities,” will begin at noon, following a brief presentation by Teva Dawson and Mat Greiner from Group Creative Services of Des Moines.

Gude (GOO-dee) plans to discuss ways in which public art projects can change communities for the better, making public spaces more vibrant. 

“Arts and culture create more inviting and engaging public spaces – along with the random, spontaneous experiences that make regions more vibrant,” said Sally Dix, executive director of Bravo Greater Des Moines, which is co-sponsoring Gude’s visit. “The most active and dynamic communities are those that figure out how to leverage arts, culture and heritage to enhance social cohesion and celebrate diverse local identities.”

The event is free. Registration is requested here, and you can order a Baratta’s lunch there if you want. 
