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State jobs agency releases plan for overhaul

Iowa Workforce Development has released its second draft of a plan for the state to implement the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The department will accept email comments through Feb. 21 atiwd.wioa@iwd.iowa.gov. 

The act, which took effect in July 2014, is the first federal legislation aimed at reforming the workforce development system in 15 years. The U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Education have to approve the state’s plan by March 2016.
Iowa Workforce Development is working with the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Iowa Department for the Blind to integrate workforce services delivery in Iowa. The agency also is working with the Iowa Department of Human Services, Iowa Department of Corrections, Iowa Department on Aging and Iowa Economic Development Authority to streamline workforce services in Iowa.

“Agencies and groups who have been in the workforce arena for years are talking to each other and working together to align programs and services that help Iowans find jobs and employers find qualified workers,” said IWD Director Beth Townsend. “The result will be a workforce system that works for business and job seekers, and meets Iowa’s labor needs, today and in the future.”