Story County attorney appointed as prosecuting attorneys training coordinator
BUSINESS RECORD STAFF Dec 23, 2019 | 4:17 pm
<1 min read time
118 wordsAll Latest News, Government Policy and LawIowa Attorney General Tom Miller has appointed Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds to serve as Iowa’s prosecuting attorneys training coordinator and executive director of the Iowa County Attorneys Association. She will begin in the dual role on Feb. 10. Reynolds has been Story County attorney since 2016, and has worked in that office since 2008. She also worked in the Kossuth and Warren county attorney’s offices. She is a member of the Iowa Supreme Court’s Grievance Commission and is a graduate of Central College and Drake University Law School. The prosecuting attorneys training coordinator, a position created by the Legislature in 1975, provides support, continuing education and training for Iowa’s prosecuting attorneys, their assistants and their victim/witness coordinators.