Study: Women make better CEOs of large companies


A new gender study released last month by Mintigo indicates that companies with more than 1,000 employees probably should hire a female CEO, reported.


That’s because while male CEOs achieve higher revenue per employee in companies with up to 1,000 people, in larger companies, female CEOs achieve up to 18 percent more revenue per employee than male CEOs, the article said.


The Mintigo study looked at CEOs from companies with more than 100 employees or more than $50 million in revenue and then analyzed thousands of indicators for companies, and compared the two groups split by gender.


So why do women only make up 17 percent of the CEO ranks?


Although the study found that female-run companies had robust marketing teams, more publicity, stronger event planning and a greater online presence than male-run companies, another study suggests that men are more aggressive when asking for what they want – hence, why they comprise more of the CEO ranks.


Mintigo also compiled five tips from five female executives on how to rise up the corporate ranks. Read the rest of the article here.