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Survey: 10.2 percent of Iowans report having diabetes


More than 10 percent of Iowa adults have been diagnosed with diabetes, and the rate is nearing 11 percent in Greater Des Moines, according to results of a national survey released today by Gallup and Healthways. Iowa ranks 17th-lowest in prevalence of diabetes among the states, with a prevalence of 10.2 percent. Diabetes rates ranged from less than 8 percent in Utah, Rhode Island and Colorado to more than 16 percent in Alabama and West Virginia. Among the 190 metropolitan areas surveyed, Cedar Rapids had the fifth-lowest incidence rate in the nation (7.3 percent), while Greater Des Moines had the 63rd-lowest rate (10.7 percent). The analysis measured prevalence of the disease by asking individuals if they have ever in their lifetime been diagnosed with diabetes. A significant risk factor for diabetes is rising obesity rates. If current trends continue, about 1 in 3 Americans will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. Read an article about Healthiest State Iowa’s efforts to lower diabetes and other chronic disease rates at BusinessRecord.com.

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