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Survey: Estate tax proposal would hurt manufacturers


A majority of U.S. manufacturers oppose President Barack Obama’s budget proposal that would increase estate taxes on small and medium-sized businesses, according to the latest National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)/IndustryWeek Survey of Manufacturers. When asked about the budget proposal, 68.3 percent said a higher estate tax would negatively impact them, while 48 percent said the budget proposal would cause them to reduce investment in their business. In addition, the survey found that the West Coast ports slowdown and a strong U.S. dollar are also weighing heavily on the minds of manufacturers. “Manufacturing in the United States continues to be as robust and resilient as ever, but this survey shows significant challenges still remain,” NAM Chief Economist Chad Moutray said in a release. The survey was conducted among the NAM’s membership of small, medium-sized and large manufacturers. Click here for the full survey results.