Teree Caldwell-Johnson honored with posthumous National Civic League award


The National Civic League, a nonpartisan nonprofit that promotes civic engagement, will present Teree Caldwell-Johnson the All-America Leader Award posthumously at its 75th annual All-America City Award Event in Denver, Colo., on Saturday.

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Teree Caldwell-Johnson

Caldwell-Johnson, who died March 31, will be recognized for her 20 years of service as the president and CEO of Oakridge Neighborhood, a Des Moines housing and supportive services nonprofit, and as Des Moines Public Schools’ longest-serving board member. Before her death, Caldwell-Johnson had resigned from the school board to focus on her health, having announced a cancer diagnosis in 2023.

“Teree was the living embodiment of the qualities this award was created to recognize, including inclusiveness, innovation, collaboration, equity, civic engagement, and community impact,” the National Civic League said in a news release. “Whether in her professional, civic, or personal endeavors, Teree was committed to improving her community and making this world a better, more equitable, and just place.”

The All-America Leader Award recognizes individuals who have successfully spearheaded civic engagement efforts in their communities. Previous recipients include Roy Buol, Dubuque’s longtime former mayor, who received the award in 2022.

In 2002, Caldwell-Johnson was recognized for the Business Record’s Women of Influence. She also contributed to the Pillars of Philanthropy publication, where she addressed the challenges facing nonprofits and the next generation of community leaders.

“Young professionals are very philanthropically oriented,” she wrote in 2023. “It will be our mission to engage them in such a way that the relevance and importance of our organization’s efforts in the community resonate.”

The award presentation will take place during the National Civic League’s annual event, which celebrates its commitment to fostering civic engagement and recognizing exemplary community leaders.