VIDEO: Rewatch the Innovation in Iowa Forum first question



Yesterday we held the Innovation in Iowa Forum, including the unveiling of the 2021 innovationIOWA magazine, the innovationENTREPREUER and the Corteva Agriscience innovationLEADER awards, and a virtual tour with Corteva Agriscience to explore the cutting-edge technologies located in Johnston, Iowa.

Featuring guest panelists with questions moderated by Business Record staff, we highlighted innovative ideas in workforce development, entrepreneurship and leadership that viewers in a wide variety of Iowa industries can adapt to their own roles.

Joseph Nelson – CEO, Roboflow
Benjamin Lefever – CEO, Certintell Telehealth
Billi Hunt – Executive director, America’s Cultivation Corridor/Cultivo
Mikayla Sullivan – Senior associate, ISA Ventures

Watch the first question of the Innovation in Iowa Forum: What is a practice, policy or piece of technology that you or your organization could not operate without?

Watch the full Innovation in Iowa Forum