Vote on incentives for Des Moines apartment project delayed
Business Record Staff Mar 8, 2023 | 8:16 am
1 min read time
122 wordsAll Latest News, Housing, Real Estate and DevelopmentA vote was put on hold this week by the Des Moines City Council on whether to approved a development agreement for a proposed mixed-use project in the East Village Neighborhood. Heart of America Group is proposing the construction of a 186-unit multifamily and commercial development at 603 E. Sixth St. on the site once occupied by American College of Hairstyling. The $44 million project would include at least 4,000 square feet of street-level commercial space. The project was proposed to receive up to $4.5 million in financial incentives from the city, according to a memo provided to the council. However, the item was removed from Monday’s council agenda so that the preliminary agreement could receive further review, the council was told