What they’re checking out: Week of Sept. 20
As an ongoing feature, staff members at the Des Moines Public Library will recommend a business-related book to add to your reading list. Find this and more books like it at any of the Des Moines Public Library’s six locations and online at dmpl.org. And find information on how to get a FREE library card and all its benefits at dmpl.org/get-carded.
Des Moines Public Library business book pick: “
Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things,” by Adam Grant.
Why you should read it: This 2023 No. 1 New York Times bestseller aims to reveal how anyone can rise to achieve greater things, shattering assumptions about what it truly takes to succeed and thrive and improve in your life. Grant argues that society admires and obsesses over “talent,” often while overlooking and underestimating the range of skills everyone can learn to become better at improving their own lives. The book offers a framework for raising aspiration and exceeding expectations, using new evidence and research, and telling vivid personal stories from the classroom to the boardroom.