You think you made the sale; does the customer agree?
Here’s a note from a reader, asking for my help:
I need some advice on an “almost” customer. After the third presentation, the customer verbally committed to purchasing my product; however, he sent this e-mail message after our last meeting: “We are considering your product.” I’m not sure if a humorous response is appropriate. What should I do next?
Thanks so much,
Mary, the backpedaling tool is frequently pulled from the customer’s “buying” toolbox. Often referred to in retail as “buyer’s remorse,” backpedaling basically deals with second thoughts.
You’re lucky. At least the guy responded.
You made your sale emotionally, but when the customer tried to justify it logically, he couldn’t. Your presentation did not include any sound, logical reasons to buy.
Although you thought there was a verbal commitment, the customer responded to your failure to complete the sale. It sounds as if you did not execute a basic, Sales 101 action: cement the commitment. Cementing the commitment includes nailing down a delivery date, nailing down financing, nailing down who will use the product, and setting up internal meetings to ensure maximum productivity is achieved. This solidifies the sale — and the payment.
But instead, Ms. Sales Genius, you said to yourself: “Oh joy, oh joy, the customer committed to buy. I can leave now.” You, Ms. Sales Genius, took the customer’s word as gospel, when in fact, in his mind there was NO firm commitment, just a MAYBE. And you, Ms. Sales Genius, were too slow in responding to what you perceived as a commitment.
Your customer’s response tells me that your competition came in and made a similar presentation, so your “almost” customer could not differentiate between you and your competition. Therefore, the customer is backpedaling. And now you are looking for the answer.
The good news is you won’t do that again. The bad news is you have to start over. Make another appointment with your “almost” customer and make certain that any other influencers or deciders will be there. When you enter the room, act as if it’s the first time you’re meeting (start from square one). Do not start talking about “you” until you have asked at least 10 questions about “them.” Questions about previous history, expected outcomes, where the profit pockets are, their overall impression of your product, and how they have used your product in the past.
Once you have this information, you can begin to share YOUR information, including your name. The truth is, when you enter the room, prospects don’t care who you are — they only care about the benefits you can bring.
I would consider it a coup if during your questioning, one of the participants asks, “What’s your name?” That proves their interest in you as a person.
The way you start gains interest.
The way you present builds belief.
The way you end gains commitment.
The way you solidify the next action determines the strength of your capability, and their level of commitment
If the sale falls apart AFTER the customer makes a commitment (or what you thought was a commitment), this is a reflection on you, not on the customer.
You have to start over because you never convinced the customer that the reward of purchase outweighed the risk of deciding “yes.” You have to bring the customer back to the reasons for buying in the first place.
Here are the rules to follow when a sale falls apart:
1. No shortcuts.
2. No complaining.
2.5. No blaming others.
When the customer backs out of a deal, it’s crucial to understand who’s at fault. Then, and ONLY then, do you have a real opportunity to recapture the sale.
If you want more on the customer’s perspective and what will make the customer say “yes,” go to, register if you’re a first-time user, and enter DECIDE in the GitBit box.
Jeffrey Gitomer, author of “The Sales Bible” and “The Little Red Book of Selling,” is the president of Charlotte, N.C.-based Buy Gitomer. He gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings and conducts Internet training programs on selling and customer service at He can be reached by phone at (704) 333-1112 or by e-mail at